Blue Beyond Consulting

Change Management Consulting Services

Overcome uncertainty and remove barriers to organizational change with a people-centered approach.

Change Management Consulting Services

Overcome uncertainty and remove barriers to organizational change with a people-centered approach.

Plan, Lead, and Implement Lasting Organizational Change.

Do you have a major organizational change on the horizon? Or perhaps you’re in the middle of a change initiative that needs strategic direction? Avoid common pitfalls by implementing a thoughtful change management strategy that engages employees, communicates clearly, and puts people at the center.

The result? Aligned business priorities, strong job retention, and highly engaged workers who will serve as your most effective change agents.

How We Approach Change Management

We believe that organizations don’t change, people do. That’s why we center our consulting process around engaging and activating your people to create lasting change. Here’s what you can expect from working with us:

  • Deep listening: We take the time to understand the current state of your organization and identify potential barriers to change.
  • Stakeholder alignment: Working toward a common vision requires multi-stakeholder buy-in – we work with you to align your people on what’s to come and why and make adjustments along the way. 
  • Collaborative consultation: We work closely with you to build thoughtful, sustainable change management plans and communications strategies that put the employee experience at the core.
  • Employee engagement: Our multi-stakeholder strategy works to inspire, activate, and empower everyone – from leaders to your broader workforce – to ensure everyone knows their role in your organizational change effort.
  • Creative visuals: We bring change to life by utilizing creative visual mediums (e.g., journey maps and graphic recording) that allow your stakeholders to envision what the future looks like on the other side of this change.
  • Measurement: We help you measure progress toward your goals, ensuring your initiatives are working and supporting your future state vision.

Who We’ve Worked With

Our Change Management Work in Action

We partnered with a national organization to help them navigate a major business transformation in which they were consolidating their business lines to all operate under one umbrella. By working closely with leaders and internal stakeholders to understand priorities and concerns, we developed communications that enabled them to implement a strong integration and engagement plan for the company's 300+ U.S. employees. Read the full case study.

From Vision to Reality: Inspiring Change in Your Organization

Watch the recording

Ready to partner so you can lead meaningful change for your organization?

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Want to know more?

Below are some of the areas where we help organizations and leaders.