Blue Beyond Consulting

Employee Value Proposition

A genuine promise to your people

We take a holistic approach to developing your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) from concept to implementation, making it a fundamental part of your People Strategy:

  • Conducting comprehensive diagnostics; gathering data through interviews and focus groups across all levels of the organization to understand the essence of your EVP
  • Defining and articulating the “why” around your organization – why the people you want, want you as an employer
  • Connecting your EVP to your Mission, Vision, Values, and Culture
  • Weaving your value proposition through practices and programs that exemplify both who you are and who you aspire to be
  • Engaging our Visual Communications team to bring your EVP to life by designing a visual look and feel that is relevant, real, and persuasive

Your Employee Value Proposition should:

Articulate your employee experience

Inspire loyalty and commitment

Attract and retain top talent

Stand out from competitors

[On-Demand Webinar]

Build a Compelling EVP: Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

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Want to know more?

Below are some of the areas where we help organizations and leaders.

Ready to build, live, and sustain your Employee Value Proposition?

Contact us