Blue Beyond Consulting

Values Navigator: title of values identification toolkit


A simple tool and process for guiding your team through identification and articulation of core organizational values.

What Comes in Your Values Navigator™ Toolkit?

Each toolkit comes complete with a set of 88 reusable Values Navigator Cards and access to our proprietary Values Navigator Resource Center packed with:

  • Facilitator Guides to lead interactive, highly engaging sessions to address a variety of team and organizational needs
  • Tips and tricks for effective facilitation
  • Workbooks and worksheets for individuals and leaders
  • Manager guide for quick values-based team activities
  • Our values assessment to help you determine whether your values need to be refreshed
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Get Values Navigator Now

Take the first step in aligning your team or organization around its core values. Values Navigator Toolkits are $79.99 (volume discounts available) and include free shipping within the U.S.

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Need Help? Let's Talk!

We are here to answer your questions or partner with you to facilitate your Values Navigator sessions.

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Core Values 101

Core Values Assessment

Company Values Assessment Determine if your company can benefit from a refreshed or new set of values

Infographic: Effective Core Values

Infographic- Effective Company Values Discover the key aspects of effective company values

Values Navigator Case Study

Values Navigator Case Study - Learn how one company used values to shift behavior & connect to its mission